Information Protection

Continuous Integrity

Your information is, by far, the most valuable part of any computer system. Any system tasked with managing your information must have a veryInformation Protection solid foundation that maintains its integrity, otherwise any other capabilities built on top of that will put the entire solution in peril.

Here are just a few of the things the Information Bank performs to protect you information. See additional whitepapers for the list of the technologies incorporated within the bank to maintain the integrity of your information.

  1. All your information is stored locally in a modern file system that does not overwrite existing data making it much more robust.
  2. The access rights to those files are automatically set and changed as required as the asset traverses its governing lifecycle.
  3. Every time a file is added or modified, a local copy is made immediately. This is done with a special technique that does not require any additional storage capacity.
  4. Every single part of every one of your information assets is constantly monitored by the system.
  5. Should the system detect an invalid or unauthorized modification, the asset is restored immediately, an audit record is created, and if these occur too frequently, the bank is shutdown.
  6. Each asset when it is created or modified, is also encrypted and uploaded to the cloud. This entry is stored such that even if a hacker would gain access to your data, they would not be able to know what it is, how to decode it, mine it, sell it, hold it hostage, or do anything to it other than ignore it.
  7. Each bank is in constant communication with a central bank. This allows the bank to save off (escrow) its configurations and other values such as encryption keys, offsite in a safe location.
  8. Should your bank fail, the entire configuration and its contents can be restored to a replacement bank as required.
  9. We use four separate cloud services to protect your information. Even if ALL FOUR services are compromised, your information is still safe and cannot be decoded.
  10. All the systems are periodically audited allowing us to detect and repair any inconsistencies.
  11. We have many other techniques and technologies that are all integrated within the bank.
  12. Also note that we are constantly adding and investing in additional information integrity tools and techniques. Having a system that is built from a solid foundation of security from the start and then constantly adding more technologies, capabilities, procedures, and services is the only long-term strategy to stay ahead of cyber attacks.

No other vendor offers such a comprehensive solution to information Integrity protection.
The above protection architecture is far more reliable than traditional backup, which is not needed or desired in this environment. Despite what their vendors say, backup can’t actually protect your information. You should not rely on such a flawed system to protect your valuables or to recover from a ransomware attack.